Some code that may help you

Coin Voucher Item

Example of a 100 coin voucher item, when used the player receives 100 coins in his account.

This example is for ox_inventory

['voucher_100'] = {
    label = 'voucher 100 coins',
    weight = 220,
    stack = true,
    close = true,
    server = {export = "ox_inventory.use_voucher"}, -- We are adding the export bellow to ox_inventory,hence "ox_inventory", you can use it in another resource
    metadata = {value = 100}

exports("use_voucher", function(event, item, inventory, slot, data)
      if event == 'usedItem' then
            exports["LuxuVipShop"]:UpdateCoinBalance(, item.metadata.value, "add")