Welcome to the docs!

Here you can learn more about our resources and how to install them.

⚠️ Warning

I cannot recover lost/stolen keymaster resources.

Don’t transfer your assets to your friends/developers unless you are comfortable with losing them.

I don’t give support to purchases originated outside my store (leaks, reselling)

Before installing:

Please update ox_lib to v3.22.0+ Download ox_lib.zip → https://github.com/overextended/ox_lib/releases

✨ Resources

LuxuVipShop - Vip Shop

LuxuAdmin - Admin Menu

LuxuModules - Bridge Resource

LuxuDiscord - Discord Bot

LuxuCM - Crypto Mining

LuxuCEX - Crypto Exchange

Anticheat whitelist

The following list provides event prefixes for my resources.

Whitelist these prefixes to avoid problems with your anticheats If you still get timed out errors, let me know
